Monday 13 April 2015

The Skin Game | #ProjectHitch

Today’s #ProjectHitch viewing was something of a dud, unfortunately. 

The Skin Game follows the story of the Hillcrists and the Hornblowers, rival families attempting to live through a damaging feud, a premise that could be interesting were both families not entirely tedious and unlikeable in almost every sense.

Throughout the movie I tried to form an opinion as to which family I liked most, and therefore wanted to see come out on top but they honestly both annoyed me. Their petty disagreements and sabotage only served to anger me and even though there are one or two characters I grew to care about, I found the film as a whole quite a tiring experience.

There have been a few Hitchcock films along the way that, had I to guess a director, Hitch’ name would never have come up. This is one of them. There’s no recognisably Hitchcock-esque shots, nor characters. The film itself was rather dry and not one I would go out of my way to watch again.

Since this blog post is going up quite late, I can tell you now that I haven’t been able to find the next film on my chronological list, Rich and Strange but have already watch the film after, Number Seventeen and it fared much better than The Skin Game.

Stick around to hear my thoughts on it.


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